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Skill Points Reassignment

Please Allow every bc player 1chance to reassign the skill points for 5000gold bars or less. In the start some players build their account without having the good knowledge of the game. Some waste a lot of skill points on ammo, some a lot on hp or supplies etc. Please give one chance to undo their mistakes. It will make players spend more and you will earn more. You can give this chance on sale or in r&d.

2 people like this idea

navy was always meant to b stronger because of its upkeep if people made a mistake its on them not on devs.

 only tactic points is important to reassignment because devs change the power of units.

when startt this game army is better and maybe some accounts put many tactic on army and now after 3 yeasrs the navy is powerfull .and this is problem of devs.not player mistake or bad choice.

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